Breathe Freely
Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists Chartered Society for Work Health Protection
Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists and The Chartered Society for Worker Health Protection

Introduction to Welding
Why do workers need protecting?

Welders are exposed to metal fume & gases which can potentially cause lung diseases & lung cancer. Discover the controls needed to prevent these diseases.

Health in Welding Overview Brochure

A concise summary of the health hazards arising from welding and how the Breathe Freely campaign aims to address them.

Welding Toolbox Talk

A concise summary of the potential health hazards arising from Welding in the manufacturing industry and what can be done to identify and address them.

Guides & Factsheets
Welding RPE Guidance

Discover the correct Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) you should be using in the welding industry.

Monitoring Exposure to Welding Fume

Air monitoring and measurement may be needed where there is a serious risk to health from the inhalation of welding fume and the likely exposure level of the welders to the fume is not known.

An Introduction to LEV

Advice on the design and management of LEV systems to help you control workers’ exposure to welding fume and gases.

RPE  Programme for Welders

Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) may be needed to protect welders from exposure to welding fume and metal.

The Welding Hierachy of Control

A prioritised list of control measures to reduce the risk of hazardous exposures in welding.

Control Selector tools
Control Selector Tool

This toolkit provides information for managers to better recognise the welding hazards and manage and implement the most appropriate controls through an easy to use online tool.

What can an Occupational Hygienist help with

Understand the role of occupational hygienists and how they can help you. Health risk assessments, control measures and training and communication.

 Fume Minimization Guidelines: Welding, Cutting, Brazing and Soldering

Weld Australia has updated their Technical Guidance Note to reduce fume exposures with consideration to the reduced WES values.

Learn about the OHS fundamentals of welding before doing a Health Risk Assessment on welders.

Weld Australia has created two excellent free on-line training videos about OHS hazards and risks in welding. Click to access.