The Breathe Freely Australia program is a aimed at preventing occupational lung disease and protecting worker health through improving awareness of hazards and safe work practices. It is a collaborative approach with a variety of different stakeholders who can influence and make a difference to workers and the workplace.
You are invited to be part of this exciting program by making your contributions through either being a Partner, Sponsor or Supporter. The following helps better understand the different categories.
Partners are those organisations which are instrumental in the planning and delivery of the Breathe Freely Australia program and events. Partners generally fall into the categories of Federal organisations, State Government Workcover or Workplace Health and Safety organisations, State Mining organisations, professional occupational health organisations, Union organisations and Industry/Employer organisations.
Current Breathe Freely Australia partners.
Sponsors are organisations that will provide funding and support the development of new materials and the delivery of public events. They have been engaged so far in sponsoring roadshows and there are a variety of sponsorship opportunities. If you are interested in funding some of our Breathe Freely Australia activities please email us on or contact the AIOH office, 03 9388 1635.
The Breathe Freely Australia campaign is an exciting opportunity for the AIOH and we want to encourage people and organisations spread the word. The Breathe Freely Australia Supporter logo can be used by AIOH members, service organisations as well as operational organisations that committed to improving OHS and protecting worker health.
Organisations with an ABN and a commitment to the Breathe Freely Australia objectives are invited to apply for Breathe Freely Australia Supporter status. This would involve an exchange of logos between Breathe Freely Australia and the applicant organisation. There are no costs attached to this.
If granted, the Breathe Freely Australia logo, accompanied by the words Breathe Freely Australia Supporter could then be used on the organisation’s communication material, for example underneath letterheads or under signatures.
In return, Breathe Freely Australia will acknowledge the support of the applicant organisation by carrying their logo on the Breathe Freely Australia website, and on communication material, where appropriate.
Below are explanations of our two Supporter categories
For further information, please contact or contact the AIOH office, 03 9388 1635.