The following slide packs can assist in your toolbox talks and raise topical issues at your worksite to discuss and improve safe work practices. Click on the topic to download presentations.
Managers Toolkit

Miners Health Matters
You can also visit the Department of Natural Resources Mines and Energy website – Miners Health Matters for further information.
Guides & Fact Sheets

Overview Brochure
A concise summary of the health hazards arising from the mining industry and how the Breathe Freely campaign aims to address them.
This information will be available here soon, please re-visit this section in the near future.
Protecting Workers Health in Mining
The mining industry in Australia has made great strides in managing safety and reducing the incidence of serious injury and fatalities over the past ten to fifteen years.
Health risks have not received the same amount of attention. There are many reasons for this including the fact that the consequences of exposure to harmful substances is often not visible, symptoms may be delayed by decades from first exposure, and the burden of managing health falls predominantly to the employer.
Managing health risks and understanding how occupational hygiene fits into the mining industry.
Management Standard
The HI Management Standard
This tool is for use by managers responsible for health and safety on mining sites. It contains instructions, 8 assessment framework tools that relate to the 6 leading indicators and finally an action plan.
What can an Occupational Hygienist help with
Understand the role of occupational hygienists and how they can help you. Health risk assessments, control measures and training and communication.